Vegan Schmegan Food Truck // #vegan #eggplant #sandwhich #econow #veganschmegan #foodtruck #food #plantbased

Vegan Schmegan Menu // #vegan #eggplant #sandwhich #econow #veganschmegan #foodtruck #food #plantbased

Vegan Schmegan Eggplant King Sandwhich // #vegan #eggplant #sandwhich #econow #veganschmegan #foodtruck #food #plantbased

Let me cut straight to the chase here: I haven’t been this disappointed in a meal in a long time.

A couple of weekends ago we took a long walk into town to check out the organic fair ECO NOW in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm. By the time we got there I was definitely in need of food and was thrilled to see the new vegan food truck Vegan Schmegan was there. I’d been eager to try it ever since I first saw it roll past me in town a couple of months ago.

As hungry as I was, I wanted something really tasty to eat. Vegan Schmegan have been pushing their Eggplant King Sandwich pretty good on their Facebook page so I opted for that and was soon handed a pita bread filled with a mix of organic vegetable slaw (red cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, imported Lebanese pickles, lemon juice and olive oil) and deep fried eggplant topped off with a tahini sauce (all vegan). It looked delicious. I had high hopes.

Planting myself on a bench nearby I attempted to take a bite but quickly realised eating this thing was going to be something of a mission. The pita bread was falling completely apart from the watery vegetable slaw, so much so that it came pouring out of the paper wrapping like a marching band and dripped all over my pants. Sigh. I tried to go at it with a fork but the whole thing was so sloppy I don’t know what kind of utensil would have been able to salvage it. I could possibly have forgiven the poor composition had the thing actually tasted good, but the watery vegetables were very bland and did nothing to satisfy my taste buds.

The frustration of actually trying to eat the soupy mess of a sandwich and the lacking taste were such a disappointment that I gave up after about five mushy bites. This of course put me in an awful hangry mood all the walk home (sorry Tom). I blame the Eggplant King Sandwich.


Editedcorrected ingredients.


  1. Vegan Schmegan Foodtruck Reply

    Hey Tina,

    Thank you for your feedback and for trying the Vegan Schmegan Foodtruck!

    Customer feedback is very important to us as is each person’s food experience that eats from Vegan Schmegan Foodtruck. We are very sorry to read about your experience and want to ask you why did you not come to us immediately to tell us this? We think that it would have been more appropriate to talk with us in person right there on the spot than devoting an entire blog post and sharing it with the rest of the online community, which of course you have every right to do, but how constructive is that? We are looking over our routines and making sure that our sandwich makers will make sure that the sandwiches are not served full of unnecessary liquids consisting of lemon juice (organic), olive oil (organic), tomatoes (organic), cucumbers (organic), red cabbage (organic), and imported Lebanese pickles, not celery as you mentioned earlier. Also, the sauce is a handmade tahini sauce, not sour cream, served with a pickled mango Anba sauce. The eggplant (organic) is deep fried with extra care, not grilled as you mentioned.

    As for your pants that got stained, we would gladly pay for the dry cleaning costs, just write us an email at and send us your bank account info and a copy of the receipt.

    Regarding The Eggplant King Sandwich and whether you liked it or not, there isn’t much we can do about that, we have several returning customers who absolutely love this sandwich! We do on the other hand have other dishes in our menu and we’d be happy to serve you one of those as well.

    The Vegan Schmegan Foodtruck Crew

    • Hi The Vegan Schmegan Foodtruck Crew!

      Thanks for taking the time to respond!

      I sense that I have stepped on your toes with this review, or perhaps I’m just being over-sensitive. Either way, as you pointed out – this blog is where I share my opinion! How constructive would an opinion blog about (primarily) food be if only the best experiences were published?

      With regards to not coming to you directly with my feedback – honestly, I didn’t feel like standing in line and holding up other customers while I complained about the food. I fail to see how that’s any more constructive than publishing my thoughts here (as I do with all other places I am excited to visit). After all, my feedback did find you in the end. :)

      And thanks for offering to cover the dry cleaning costs for my pants, however I’m fine with shouldering the responsibility for not spilling food on myself – no matter how hard it is to eat ;)

      I think it’s relatively clear in this post that my description of the sandwich ingredients are guesstimated, but I’ll correct my post with the ingredients you mentioned so that nobody gets the wrong idea.


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